"Taos Winter Medley," ink on wood
2.5 x 3," Nov. 09, Judith Nasse
I was reminded this morning in Alyson Stanfield's newsletter [www.artbiz.com] to make my list of all my accomplishments in 2009!
We somehow always think of what we haven't done or how we could be better; but in truth we do get things done & forget to remind ourselves! O.K., here's part of my list: I got my art into two places and have steadily done deep revision on my novel as well as work on another person's book. What will you pat yourself on the back about?
I do hope you have a jolly holiday and that 2010 will be your most creative year ever!!
Christmas Cactus with
Snow Storm outside
Dec 09 by Judith
Every year my Christmas Cactus blooms well, and every year it grows bigger. I wonder if it will ever grow as large as the one in a neighbor's window in London. Hers was the size of a small bush and it made the winter doldrums glow. Sometimes too we have to wait the proverbial "year" (a long time) for our creative ideas to grow and blossom. And, if you're like me I have much more patience with my cacti than my paintings or my novel. I guess it's due to the concept, that is I conceive of an idea, but then to execute it can take grueling weeks, days, months, years even. And that's o.k. because in the end one has a finished project that is as perfect as it can be. The huge cactus in London must have taken her years to grow with a lot of tender loving care. Have a great creative week!
My Blue Spruce in snow
photo by Judith
I'm glad we're having a snowfall today! I was going to go out & do errands & meet a friend for coffee. The coffee was canceled and now I get to stay in and slow down. We all know that life gets extra busy at the holidays, yet things like chores, bills, work, our creativity, and those myriad small and large problems that show up at our doorsteps don't step aside to make room for the extra holiday things we want and need to do. Perhaps we should calendar in a slow-down day or hours. I will do that for next week, and hope I don't forget. Today I will play catch-up especially with my art. I've had to do so much outside work that my art has consisted in doodling in the margins of my notepad while taking notes for a book I'm typing and editing for someone else! I'm also making headway with the "problem-to-solve" in my novel! I hope you can take some breathing space for yourself and your creativity in this holiday whirl.