"Two Men Meet, Each Supposing the Other to Be of Higher Rank," Paul Klee, etching, 1903
This week I was given a practical tip by Elizabeth Stark & our writing forum. I was stuck on how to solve a couple of anomalies while revising my novel. In our forum we talk about our Storyteller (right brain) and our Brain (logical/left). I write from my Storyteller or intuitive brain and so often can't see some small, but pertinent anomalies. Elizabeth picked up on them immediately, & in trying to figure how to bridge the gap, she suggested I have the two writer parts of me dialogue on paper. I did, and got an immediate solution! If only the world's politicians could come up with solutions so easily!
I know this is an often used conveyance in making decisions, but sometimes we forget to apply it to each riddle, or area, in our lives. Now, I'm off to re-write those parts of the book to bring more clarity. Oh, the Paul Klee etching immediately jumped into my mind when I was searching for a topic for this blog. No one, no one part of our brains, cannot meet and find common ground. I'm not sure if that's what Klee meant, but I'm sure if I could have a chat with him we'd have a wonderful conversation.... or maybe, we'd just sit down & take out our sketch books & draw in silent communication.
Happy Last Week of July!