Symphony of Color, Ed Sandoval © 2004, TWC poster artist & Taos artist
The Taos Summer Writer's Conference is winding down after an intense, wonderful-learning week. Working on the Moby Dickens' Bookshop concession, I saw participants and presenters coming and going, stopping to browse books, or chat with one another. What a superb literary vibe enveloped me. What strikes me most is how congenial, kind, and easy to be with the authors are, especially the ones with deserved accolades: Wally Lamb, Elizabeth Strout, Robert Boswell, Pam Houston, and Antonya Nelson to name a few. They are all ladies and gentlemen in the true, old-fashioned sense of the world. I, me the shy one usually, could natter with most of them like I natter with my friends. Maybe one day I'll be a true colleague of theirs when my novel is published. It's an honor to say I'm a writer with such down-to-earth talented writers to model.
I'm off to water my parched garden that is suffering a Taos heat wave. Ah, evenings to water, watch the sun set, and then read one of the novels of our mannered writers.
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