Blood Angels 111
Christopher St. John
Christopher St. John has a show, "Haven" up at JandreauArt Gallery in Taos. He gave a gallery talk last weekend, and I was so impressed by Christopher's dedication to his art and his ability to carry through his latest magnificent obsession into paint and drawing about the human ability to find havens in the midst of emotional and social difficulties, especially for children.
The next day I joined Eric Maisel's group exploring the idea of positive obsession in our creativity. We all obsess, goodness knows I do, about things like getting the next check, will I have enough energy to get through a day at the day job, or whether we'll have time today to get through all the chores on our list and still have time left to paint, edit the novel, or to read that latest well-written novel. I listed as my next, positive, magificent obsession, and taking a cue from Christopher, to add more edge to my paintings! Now, that is a stretch again for me as it's scary to add a dash of red or a screaming color like orange. I did add a dash of coral to the latest painting, a sea turtle in subdued undersea colors. Now, I'm committed. I am drawing knives & beaks, and scimitars on paper. I'll translate my literal drawings into paint, not sure how, but stay tuned!
I hope your week will be full of at least one magnificent obsession too. The guidelines are passion, scary, gusto, climbing out to the edge of your creative limb, and daring ~ just to name a few. Now, it's spring we can all get out of our comfort zones & have magnificent fun.
"Taos Butterfly" by Judith Hello! I haven't blogged in a long time. It is partly because I haven't had the courage and partly because I've been debating whether to change the focus of my blog. I have still sent out my creativity coaching newsletter regularly and didn't want this to be a repeat. Well, some of it may be at times, e.g. my latest painting to the left.
Then, this morning I received a jolt as I found a web site just for women called "Braveheart." (see link in Gadgets at the bottom of the page) How wonderful for a woman to be called that. And, it gave me the courage to change my blog to one of talking about creativity, and the creative process.
I have been in deep transition the past several months, getting braver in putting my art out in the world and being accepted into a gallery. This is hard for me, like for many women, as we were so carefully taught (I'm in a generation before women's liberation) to be quiet and serve others without thanks. However, if we discover a talent and a passion, then we must put it out there to share, no matter the cost. And, the transition to be seen and heard is a journey in courage in spite of the doubts and fears. Well, I have, as well as showing recently at the JandreauArt gallery (see link in Gadgets at the bottom of the page)in Taos, put my on-line gallery up! Check it out at the link on the left.
My writing has deepened too as I am now in the stages of revision and learning in even more detail writing techniques. We can never learn enough in our craft, can we? I have been working with the excellent teacher & editor Elizabeth Stark and a supportive group of men and women in finalizing my book. My goal is to finish it by June 15th!
I will post this more regularly now as it will be more up-to-date than my web site (I am working on how to up-date that.) I hope you are having a delicious and happy spring.